


matali crasset, 2022 © Juana Wein

matali crasset

matali crasset is an internationally acclaimed French female designer. Since graduating from Les Ateliers-ENSCI in the 1990s, she has advocated for design at the intersection of artistic, anthropological and social practices, and works for design as a creative, living and routine act: how can design contribute to social cohesion and guide us in the contemporary world? This simple
yet eminently political question allows her to think and work «in motion.» Over the last thirty years, she has carved out a unique trajectory, nurtured by the hundreds of projects she has developed, spanning architecture, exhibit design, and the conception of objects, furniture, public spaces and fittings. 

Her design without borders or territory is the expression of a profound belief in the creative process as a human, social and ecological project. Since the expression of projects is not solely dependent on their realization, but on the process itself and the ability to establish connections, and create networks of exchange and reciprocity between individuals and the natural environment. And so, each project becomes a shared experience. 

This resulted, for example, in her working with Italian artist Roberto Cuoghi in 2022, on an exhibition at the Fridericianum in Kassel, build a home, due for delivery in autumn 2023, for the social housing agency Vilogia in Wattrelos, redesign the bookstore spaces of Shanghai’s Power Station of Art), and travel throughout Occitanie with companies operating in the arts, including Missègle and Atelier Tuffery. 

She recently published Matrices, in collaboration with David Bihanic, which was co-published by Athom and les presses du réel.