Julien Carreyn continues his practice based on the Polaroid, a technique that he appreciates for the randomness that it generates. With a chemical reaction resisting any planning, the result is inevitably in part out of the artist’s control.
"André, Ludmila, Marie-Astride, Lucie, Léa and I... We met up very early one morning on that island in Toulouse whose name I forget. «The isle of...» «Something island...» The light and temperature were okay for Polaroids. It was the first time I’d met André. I’ve known Marie-Astride for eight years. She lives in Belgium. Ludmila likewise, but I met her in Rome. Léa and Lucie drove us to the Tarn-et-Garonne region, one hour away. Lucie has a pretty house near the railroad tracks, built on a floodplain. We spent two nights in a vacation rental because her house was too small for all of us. A house with rustic décor. Films, travel, wages, it all adds up. We’ll do the accounts later. On the way to buy food for dinner, we also picked up some lemons."
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