

Parking des Carmes

Neïl Beloufa, Pandemic Pandemonium, 2022. Photo : Oliver Ottenschläger.

Neïl Beloufa × Grégoire Beil × EBB global

Toujours vivants

From May 30 to June 30

Neïl Beloufa plays with the codes of a hyper-connected world.

The visitor is at the heart of this playful yet political interactive installation within the hub that is Les Carmes parking garage. From the first car to the second car, by the choices they make, visitors interact, engendering a unique story. After dissecting mechanisms of the representation of power in his videos and installations, Neïl Beloufa plays with the codes of a hyper-connected world and probes the way that AI impacts the making of stories.
With, the production company he founded, Neïl Beloufa experiments with the output of artificial intelligence, from the outstanding to the egregious.

Creative directors: Neïl Beloufa, Bertrand Bourdeil

With the support of Indigo and Surplus Recyclage.