

Crypte archéologique du Palais de Justice

Sac à procès et affichettes, archive of the Capitouls' legal collection

Karelle Ménine

Performance de Karelle Ménine

  • Friday 31 May 18h30

Echoing her exhibition in the archeological crypt of le Palais de Justice, artist Karelle Ménine proposes a performance reading of "placards", anonymous accusations posted in the street or on the doors of those targeted.
Runtime: 50' approx (creation).

“It's a tiny voice but it's louder than a silence. It's there, minuscule, under the mass of great voices, and it's the voice I want to give a little room to because it's the voice of anyone who has lived without applause, without laurels, the voice of what's known as the people, the voice that tells our story. In Toulouse, from 1147 to 1789, the Capitouls were both investigators and judges. The course of their investigations therefore contain the words of men and women that history has rarely listened to. It's time to lend them an ear. They have so much to say.” 
Karelle Ménine

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